In the book, “Dear Church: Letters from a Disillusioned Generation,” we read “everyone is welcomed at the church, including addicts, AIDS victims, blue-collar workers, divorcées, those suffering from eating disorders, the elderly, foster-care children, gangs, Goths, the homeless, homosexuals, the illiterate, immigrants, low-income families, the mentally ill, all minorities, non-English speakers, the physically challenged, pregnant teens, those dependant on public transportation, runaways, single parents, skaters, unwed mothers, the unemployed, vegans, the visually impaired, those who are dependant on welfare and everyone else.” 

We believe that as Jesus welcomed and loved all, we are called to do the same. This is what we mean by All Means All (one of our 7 Things We Know to Be True).

Join us on Sundays for Worship, weekly for Small Groups, and ongoing for Service in our community. No one belongs here more than you. #allmeansall

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