Easter 2023
Welcome to Valencia United Methodist Church!
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here and would love to meet you in person, either on Sunday morning or at one of our many church activities during the week. If you join us online for worship, we’d love to connect or social media (Facebook and Instagram).
If you’re single, married, young or old, have a large family or small, we want you to experience the warmth, fellowship, joy, and support that so many others have felt here at Valencia United Methodist Church. Each member here becomes part of the community and as a guest you will be welcomed with open arms.
It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a new church home or you’ve never attended a worship service in your life, we invite you to join us and look forward to meeting you!
Start with faith basics - Starting Point and Understanding the Cross and Starting Your Life with God.
Meet our Pastors and Leadership.
We focus on 3 Big Things:
Worship: We gather at 9 AM (Classic Worship with hymns and a choir) and 10:30 AM (Modern Worship with a band). Currently, the Youth group and Children’s Sunday School are offered at 10:30 AM. Check back in September for an expanded schedule for children and youth. Learn more about In-Person Worship and Online Worship.
Small Groups: We are a church of many small groups and we invite you to connect. If you are looking to understand the scripture, study faith, or make new lifelong friends, we have a group for you. Learn more.
Service: We believe our faith makes a difference in the world. We were a founding congregation of Family Promise and are active in Bridge to Home. Both local organizations make a difference in our community. Learn about them and other ways we are involved.
This Is Us: Seven Things We Know to Be True
(Click each “thing” to learn more!)
+ All means all.
As the people of VUMC, we believe that all are welcome, all have value, and all are loved.
We are LQBTQI Affirming - See our "Resource Page" for more
+ Everybody has “stuff” and that’s OK.
No one is perfect, and no one has all the answers—we all have much to learn. Growing is a life-long endeavor that is best done in relationship with others. We are here for you.
+ Your story is important.
You matter to God and you matter to us. We are better when we learn, serve, and grow together in real relationship.
+ Families come in all shapes and sizes.
We value families, in all forms, including active kids, typical teens, singles, couples, and grandparents.
+ God’s love changes everything.
God freely gives unconditional love to all. God’s love has the power to counter and transform any kind of evil in our world. As followers of Christ, we are called to share God’s love with others.
+ The Bible has a message for us today.
Understanding the Bible isn’t always easy, but its message and lessons are relevant to each of us.
+ We are #hereforgood.
Faith becomes real when we use what we have to make a difference for someone else. We value putting our faith into action through hands-on service.
Connect with Worship
Here’s where you can find our past sermon series - there’s lots to explore.
What is the United Methodist Church?
The people of the United Methodist Church are making a positive difference in more than 125 countries—get the latest from our denomination’s website.