Ways to Connect:
Sunday Youth Connection - 10:30 AM in the Youth Room
Jr & Sr High Youth Group - 6:30 - 8:00 PM, SUNDAY evenings
in the Youth Room
contact Rev. Camille Mattick for information.
Youth Ministry
What is the purpose of the youth ministry?
Our Youth Group exists to:
Know Christ’s love
Grow in Christ’s love
Go serve in Christ’s love
For up-to-date information and more details about what’s going on in VUMC’s youth ministry, subscribe to the weekly youth update eblast by clicking here.
Quick Links

We look forward to the following youth events
Monthly Fun and Fellowship Events
These events include broomball, escape rooms, Magic Mountain, retreats, lock-in, family night, scavenger hunt, and more.
Frequent Opportunities for Mission Activities
Sierra Service Project (SSP)
Food drives (like Souper Bowl Sunday)
Ministering to the unhoused in our community
Youth are encouraged to attend worship. Our Youth Choir participates in worship throughout the year.
We are looking for a new Youth Leader. For info about youth programs, contact Rev. Andy Mattick or Rev. Camille Mattick, (661) 255-1301 or click the "contact" button.
Sunday Youth Connection
Youth Connection meets at 10:30 a.m. Sundays in the Youth Room for Bible study.
Weekly Youth Group Meetings
Sunday evenings, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Junior and Senior High Youth Groups
Sign up for VUMC YOUTH Text Reminders
Text JOIN to (626) 247-8462
How You Can Help
The youth ministry can always use more volunteers. If you’d like to help, please contact Rev. Camille Mattick.