Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry serves as a way for men to connect, be empowered, and enrich the church’s overall efforts. Their motto is: “Get Connected-Get Fed-Get to It!” The ministry team hosts Saturday breakfasts, BBQ dinners and special events. We also lead the Annual Men’s Retreat.
The special events have ranged from ball games and auto races, to museum outings. The breakfasts or evening BBQs usually feature outstanding food, music and talks by coaches, missionaries, biblical scholars, law enforcement First Responders, astronomers, and church leaders or pastors. Some events are for fathers and sons, and others for the entire family. This has been a great opportunity to invite family members, friends or neighbors that may not have a church home.
The Annual Men’s Retreat has given our men time to relax, enjoy live music, develop deeper friendships and enjoy a wide range of activities including rock climbing, zip lines, horse shoe tossing, basketball, card games, billiards, table-tennis or napping! We also feature an amazing range of musical talent!

How you can help
Volunteers help staff signup tables, setup, cook, clean up, entertain or provide talks at the events. If you’re interested in helping out, please contact Ministry Coordinator Mark Murphy.
For more information about the Men’s Ministry, please click below to contact Ministry Coordinator Mark Murphy.
Men’s Ministry events are held quarterly and the men’s retreat is in the early fall.