Congregational Care

Every person passes through seasons of need, and we’re here to help however we can.


Prayer and Visitation Team

Prayer and support are the cornerstones of this in-person and phone visitation ministry. During times of transition such as grief, illness, surgery, newly married or the birth of a baby, the trained congregational care team provides support through prayer and visitation.

Visits take place in pairs and are offered in the hospital, at home, nursing centers, assisted living or through phone calls. Members of the team choose the time and location that they would like to visit.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Dedicated women “pray into the stitches” as they knit and crochet these beautiful shawls, free gifts of encouragement for those facing life’s challenges. If you or someone you know has a need for the warmth of a prayer shawl, click below to get in touch, or meet the group in Room 1 at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of every month.

No experience is necessary to join the Prayer Shawl ministry. New members are warmly welcomed and basic instruction on how to knit or crochet, as well as extra needles, hooks and yarn, are always available.

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